Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Year's Resolutions

Hi hi!! It's 2016!!!!

I've decided to make a list of all the things I want to do in this upcoming year and share them. So here we go.

  1. Exercise and drink more water. I really suck at staying fit because I'm always lazing around watching anime. But, I plan to improve so I can have a tighter figure when cosplaying.
  2. Restart my youtube page. I started it in 2015, but all of my videos were terrible quality and I hated that. So, I deleted all of my videos and I plan on re-doing all of them. I have so many videos planned to come up. I just have to find the time to film. But, I've already started, HERE is my first video of the year.
  3. Schedule! I need to make a schedule and stick to it. If I say film on Monday and Edit on Wednesday, then I need to do it.
  4. Wake up at 7am. I sleep like a rock until 12pm, which sucks because half of my day is gone. But, then I end up staying up into 4am. Soooooo.... I need to fix my sleeping habits, especially since spring semester is starting soon.
  5. Be more adventurous! I hope to go to more conventions this year and look around and meet new people. I need to try different foods and do new activities in places I've never been. 
  6. Care more about my hair. I love my hair, but I get so lazy when I see how much work I have to put into it. Doing my hair literally takes hours!!!! But, I need to get on it so my hair can stay dyed and fluffy.
  7. Fashion. I plan to blog more about fashion at some point. I'll get there. Hoping to do lookbooks on my youtube as well.
  8.  Complete cosplays on time. This one will be very hard. I'm always rushing a week before con, so now I should work ahead of schedule.
  9. Find a job. Yeah, that speaks for itself. It's just too hard out here.
  10. Cleanliness. I'm a very messy person, so everything gets everywhere. I just need to clean up more. -.-"
  11. Get baptized. I need to read the bible more and study more. There's just so much to learn about.
So yeah, those are my resolutions this year. Let's see if I made any of these by 2017.

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