Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Face Shop Chia Seed Water 100 Moisture Holding Cream Review

Hi Hi!!! I'm always on the hunt for a good face cream, because I have an odd skin combination. Its very dry everywhere, except for my nose, which is like an oil spill. Sooooo, I always have a problem finding a moisturizer that isn't so lax in the moisture department that my skin screams for water or so moisturizing that my nose is spewing oil. So I thought I'd give this a go.

It comes in this cute jar with a clear body and a green lid. I like the tree motif above the font. It feels very naturey? I don't know, I just think it looks pretty. It, also, comes with a little spoon to scoop out the product, but I never use those because they're a hassle, but its there if you want it. It contains 50ml of product and the description reads "A moisturizing cream with freshly germinated chia seeds in water drops fully hydrate the skin appearance." It's made from 100% chia seed extract, instead of water.  

Initially comes in this cute, natural box. With pictures of chia seeds on the front.
When opened, there's an adorable heart lid that, I guess, is for sanitation reasons. 
Inside, the product behaves kind of like pudding.

The product is semi-clear, with a light gel texture, It has a light, perfume scent.
Blends in easily, leaving a slight sheen that goes away after about a minute.


I think I may have found my holy grail face cream. This absorbs into the skin quickly and doesn't leave my face feeling sticky. My nose doesn't overproduce oil when I wear this, but my nose is still a problem. Although its not super moisturizing, the rest of my skin doesn't feel tight, it actually feels fine and plump. My face has been pretty soft lately, as well. I'm in love with this stuff. The only thing I'm wary of is the price tag. If found online, you can get it for around $17, but in stores it runs for $25. I'll just forever purchase it online.


  • Absorbs easily
  • Not sticky
  • Moisturizing, but not too much
  • Little spoon (if you use those)


  • Price
  • Online purchase  (if you don't have it where you live)
  • Scent (if you're sensitive to smells)


Effectiveness: 5/5
Packaging: 5/5
Price: 4/5
Overall: 4.5/5

Can be purchased HERE

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